Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Hellou :3

Hello World,

my name is Lyza, 19, from Germany. This is feels like my 10th attempt to start it a blog... I tried LJ, Wordpress and am now back to Blogspot.

This time I don't feel like following a certain concept, I will just try to post stuff every day. Whether it's interesting stuff or not, it will be about things that matter to me.

What I like?
My friends and family, K-Pop, music in general, amazing food, sweets, diets, clothes, fashion, make up... You see, I am just an average girl who's trying to find her way through life. :D

Let this be my introduction, I might get back to other stuff in the future.
Have some Super Junior Amazingness for now.

And I will be back tomorrow~

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