Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I need to admit...

...I am a beauty blog addict.

I read what feels like 500 different beauty blogs every day, all of them telling me how to put on the perfect make up in the morning, how to get the perfect manicure and all those other fancy things.

And then, when I get up, I take a shower blow dry my hair, maybe, if I feel really bored, I'll put on some eyeliner and go to work.
I am the worst beauty blog reader ever... But I can't get enough of them!

Also, even worse than beauty blogs, make up tutorial videos on YouTube...
I got one name for you: Michelle Phan. I don't watch her videos, I breathe them... Not that I think she's the prettiest woman alive or anything, but I like the way she does make up. :D
Have one of my favorite tutorials here. It's quite recent, but super amazing!

I could give you so many examples... But gosh, it would be way too bothersome. Also, I told Miss Bee, that I would Blog every day this month... Oh well, we'll see. I will try!

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